Account Deletion

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  • Account Deletion

If you wish to delete your Irugoo account, please follow these steps:

1. Contact Our Support Team

  • To request the deletion of your Irugoo account, contact our support team directly.
  • Please email with the subject line “Account Deletion Request.”

2. Provide Necessary Information

  • In your email, please include the following details to help us process your request efficiently:
    • Your full name
    • The email address associated with your Irugoo account
    • A brief reason for requesting account deletion (optional)
    • Any additional information that may help us verify your identity

3. Wait for Confirmation

  • Once your request is received, our support team will verify your identity and process your account deletion request.
  • You will receive an email confirming that we have received your request, and your account will be deleted within 7 business days.

4. Important Notes

  • Please note that account deletion is permanent and cannot be undone. All your data, including bookings, reviews, and messages, will be permanently deleted.
  • During the processing period, your account will be deactivated, and you will no longer have access to Irugoo services.

5. Need Assistance?

  • If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team at

By following these steps, you can request the deletion of your account. We’re here to help with any questions or concerns during this process.



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